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Cover page for Dira Advanced Channeling program

Dira Advanced Channeling Digital Program

  • 99 Steps


Want to learn how to use your channeling to change your life? Dira Advance Channeling is a comprehensive source of information on all of the standard Dira protocols. The depth of information and explanation will surpass all expectations, as the amount of tools and knowledge that you gain in these 18 hours of teaching, is equivalent to almost 10 courses. "Very informative and well explained. A valuable resource for gaining clear and in-depth knowledge." (KS, Oman) This program is the culmination of Lubna's years of channeling experience, where she shares and hands over tools, and knowledge that she received through channel on how to improve your life and make use of the amazing gift of channeling, teaching you how to channel for yourself and empowering the participant to be the master of their own experience. "I plan to successfully integrate channeling into my daily life. My mind now comprehends how to tackle various issues that show up in my everyday experiences." (IO, Romania) You learn about the standard Dira protocols such as Core Belief Release, Emotional Resolutions, Entity Release, Using the Elements, Channeling for Healing, Balance & Energy Recalibration, Ancestral Healing, Accessing Other Consciousness, Programming & more. This program is a great companion to the Dira Level Program Retreats, offering the theory for a lot of what will be practiced during the Level Program. View Testimonials Modules: 1. Introduction 2. Core Belief Release 3. Calling on Other Consciousness 4. Cleansing & Energizing Using the Elements 5. Understanding, Measuring, and Balancing Energy 6. Entities, Spirits, Thought Forms & Environment 7. Physical Healing 8. Emotional Release & Resolution 9. Knowing Your Soul's Purpose 10. Programming Light 11. The Journey of Life 12. Moving Forward Language: English Pre-requisite: Basic Channeling Workshop. Do NOT proceed if you do not know how to channel yet.

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