“On your heads We place a crown.
It is not that We look down,
It is that We draw you to expansion
To not limit you with rations
But enter into a splendour
So that you can remember
From where it is you came.
It is not about your fame,
It is that you are a part of Us.
So why is it, then, that you do not trust
That Our will is always kind,
Kinder than the logical mind?
And We have offered you mountains and seas
And even with that you are not pleased
And so We show you the stars in the night
But then from the night you take fright.
And so, the sun rises in the morn
And in the dread of your day We are torn.
Torn by the reasons why you cannot see
Because those reasons keep you from being free –
From the limitations that you construct;
The flow of Our love, you obstruct.
And then you say that We have forsaken you,
Unaware of what it is you do.
It is through you that We can shine,
And through you Our music can chime.
All We request is your grace
To shift to gratitude as the human race,
And then all Our yearnings can unfold
And blissful stories can be told
In the unravelling of a Divine earth.
It is through you that We take birth.
Thank you.”