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“This is a response to your call;
You have not been abandoned
And you have not been forsaken
And you have not been discarded because you are now listening to the response of your call.

And We would say
That We are listening when you speak,
When you think,
When you feel.

And could it be, that you could feel forsaken
And We not feel forsaken?

Could it be that you feel abandoned
And We would not feel abandoned?

Could it be that you could be rejected
And We would not be rejected?

As when you call,
We listen

And when you turn away,
We are still watching,


Waiting for you to see Us again,
Waiting for you to acknowledge Us,
Waiting for you to witness Us,
Waiting for you to allow love to be
So that We can be known.

And so We are grateful for your presence
And We’re grateful for your listening
And witnessing.

And even when you don’t pay attention, We remain patient,
Knowing that you will return.

And if, in a moment, you feel you can’t love,
We always love.

And if, in a moment, you feel separate,
We are always One.

And if, in a moment, you can’t hear Us,
We are always speaking.

And if, in a moment, you can’t see Us,
We are always shining.

And if, in a moment, you can’t feel Us,
We are always present.

Our practice is consistent,
It doesn’t waiver,
It doesn’t fluctuate.

And We observe you in your discomfort
And We observe you when you are in your light – in Our light.

And what is the discomfort?
That your attention is elsewhere,
Away from Us
Even though We call.

As every morning the sun rises to remind you of Our light,
To remind you of your light,
And then,
When the sun sets,
And darkness comes over,
Stars still shine in the sky
To remind you that even in the darkness there is light.
And that light will come back when you pay attention to it.

And when you wake up in the morning
We send the birds to greet you,
And the air to remind you of Our love,
And We see you open your eyes
And We know you are starting to listen.

When you wake,
What is it that you see?
What is it that you hear?
And when you start a conversation, what is it that you say?

We are grateful for your existence
And because We are grateful for your existence,
We know that you are grateful for Us, because you are a part of Us.
But do you allow that gratitude to be poured out of you
Or do you hold it in tight,
In fear that it might run out?

But We are the grateful One
And Our gratitude never ends
And, so, your gratitude would never end;
You don’t need to hold it in tight.

And when you start your day,
Take note of what it is that you see
And what it is that you hear
And what it is that you say
And what it is that you are grateful for.

To be conscious in your day –
Conscious of light
Or conscious of shadow?

Everything in this world is drawing your attention to the light.
It takes effort to keep consciousness fixed on the shadow;
It takes effort to remain in discomfort.

And We are calling you in your every breath,
In your every heartbeat,
And We are patient.

So, in your practice of consistency, what do you practice?
What do you seek to keep consistent?
In your typical day,
How do you wake up?
How do you go through your day,
To the point of going to sleep?
What are you practicing?
And how much of your practice is the response to Our call?

Thank you.”

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