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Be The Vibration of Love

“What is the vibration that you want to show up as?
What is the vibration of your thoughts?
What is the vibration of your talk?
What is the vibration of your interface?
Are you the vessel for Divine Grace?
You are, if you choose it to be.
Allow yourself to merge in the sea
Of infinite love.

You take a deep breath in, as this love radiates out of you, and exhale
Again, taking a deep breath in, as this light shines through and exhale.

What is the offering that you will give.
What is the life that you want to live?
You can step into this possibility
And know it is your responsibility
To be acutely aware of your vibration.
Is anyone other than you responsible for your vibration?
As this vibration enables the manifestation
Of your entire experience of this dimension.
And when you are filled with love.
There is no need for any apprehension
Of that which is reflected.
So be acutely selective
Of the bandwidth within which you choose to resonate.
Your vibration is not your fate.
Your vibration is that for which you have free will.

And when you feel off, come back and be still, and make this invocation
For this divine transmutation.
You call on Divine Love to be known to you.
And inhale, and hold your breath
Until love is all that's left.

This love is all you should choose to be.
And this love is all you should choose to see.

Everybody has a story.
And also, everyone can feel this glory.
So, choose the vibration for which you will enter this year.
And with this invocation keep us near.

Thank you.”

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