“You wonder what is this year that is coming going to entail:
The year of 2022
Will bring in all that is new.
As change has arrived
For the world to know their guide.
The guide of the Omniscient presence
The truth of their essence.
You don’t need to understand how it is going to happen,
But it will be beyond what your mind can possibly fathom.
As the clock strikes twelve there will be
A completely new orchestrated reality.
For some a subtle gentle push,
And others a tidal wave that takes them with a swoosh.
But there will be no holding back,
And no possibility to retract.
The year that is coming is a year of change
As your lives We will completely rearrange.
Don’t think it is something strange
It is so all come to know Our name.
And it is not for you to proclaim fame
Nor for you to place blame;
It is so all can come to gain
The knowing of Our existence
And to release their resistance
To the possibility of Our existence.
We understand that many of you had been confused
And some even bemused
And others amused.
Do not think that there is anything you did lose.
As perhaps now you do not see the full picture
And the intricate details of Our scripture,
But we have a defined intricate plan
And you are all the marching band
That will enable the knowing
That in the consciousness of Us the soul is glowing
And we are not separate and far away
As within each heart, We stay.
So, get ready for a new era
In the next few weeks things will be clearer.
And surrender to our intricate plan
As Dira will take its stand in another land
So that everyone on this earth
will come to know
That a golden age is here for all to glow
And through your being you will show
That it is possible to manifest the unfathomable
As both Our power and grace are unimaginable.
And flow with the river that takes you
As We will never forsake you.
So, ride this wave Our dear loved ones
As the manifested change has begun.
Thank you.”