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“A caterpillar lived in a little cocoon
And it will be breaking free very soon
As the time has come to spread its wings
And enjoy the bounty that Divine brings.
All this time you thought you were hiding
But it was Our light that you were finding
Polishing the gem deep inside
So that you could spread Our message without any pride.
As you have been preparing for what is to come
Where systems of the world will come undone.
And constructs that held people in separation
And borders that divide countries and nations
Will unravel themselves when We pull the string
As it is time for you to bring
The Oneness of Our majestic light
And a dawn that comes at the end of the night.

The year that is coming may not seem easy
But those that soar in Our love will find it breezy
Easy to sail, easy to fly
As Our light within they can no longer deny.

Indeed, chaos may perpetuate itself
It is only for the past to be laid on the shelf
As the contrast was only spawn
For people to marvel at the dawn.

In this year that is coming you will greet
Our being of Oneness, whom you will meet
And all across the world and skies
Our signs will be clear, so none can deny.

And you think perhaps, how could it be?
That this world could change with little me?
But it is Us that leads the way
And this realm will follow what We say.

The marching band will come to formation
Starting in a non-threatening nation
And there is nothing for you to fear
As by now you know that We are near.

This year that is coming will be a combustion
That results from a grand conjunction
And light will force itself through the cracks
As now there is no turning back.

We would encourage you to be excited
As in excitement, movement can propel
And shadows and layers can be dispelled.

Perhaps all want to hear it will be a gentle course
But all We will say is there will be no remorse.

Continue in the surrender
Continue to remember
That each one has a purpose on this earth
And you are all here for the giving birth
To a realm of Oneness, a new earth.

Thank you.”

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