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Connecting With Your Body & Soul: Living in Truth, Love & Gratitude




6 weeks (40 days)

About the Course

Duration: 6 Weeks

This is an Online Program

Language: English


  • Making Peace with your life and with who you are in this life (with your physical and nonphysical aspects)

  • Being more present - having a daily practice of Living Your Life in Truth and Gratitude

  • Acknowledging and embodying the Divine in all aspects of your life.


  • 6 live meetings on zoom (1 per week, about 1- 1.5 hours long). 

  • One exercise posted every 2 days (meaning minimum 10 minutes of exercise per day). 

  • You’ll have 2 days to do that exercise individually, on your own time (whenever you can, during those days), without feeling any pressure on your schedule. The exercises will be channeled by the facilitator. You can do the exercise in 10 min, 30 minutes or how much time you need for it. You can repeat it the second day and see what else it uncovers for you. Journaling, for example will be a main tool in this practice. 

  • An online group where you get to share your daily experiences, where you support and also mirror each other. 

Important information:

This programme implies your commitment to show up for yourself at least 10 minutes every 2 days. It’s focused on inner (self) work that you will fit into your daily schedule. Please keep this in mind when you sign up. 

The programme is about a daily practice of: 

  • Presence: being present in your body and physical reality, while also feeling the connection with your soul (divine self) 

  • Peace: making peace between your divine and physical selves, and between various aspects of yourself 

  • Exercise: very soft and short exercises of connecting with the divine part of yourself that came here to experience life and with the physical part that is here to facilitate the experience. 

  • Mirrors: you’ll meet various aspects of yourself in this journey – emotional, mental, Ego etc. You’ll see how your soul and body show up in your relationships and various contexts of your life. You’ll find yourself mirrored in other people’s sharing. 

  • Chakras. Our journey will take us through our chakras, exploring the role of physical tools in supporting and balancing them. 

  • Tools: we’ll use simple tools offered by our body and physical reality in this journey (journaling, visualization, food, plants, etc). 

There will be 1 week of individual integration needed after the program, to let the energies settle and integrate into your body and reality. 

Your Instructor

Oana Moon

Dira Level 7 is for me a journey about balancing my human (physical) and spiritual sides. It has been bringing me back into my body, with a new awareness of various aspects of myself and of the multiple dimensions we live in. This is what I was guided to share with others through this programme.

Oana Moon

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