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Dira golden ball of light meditation exercise to shift and maintain  your vibration

Golden Ball of Light - Shift Your Vibration With The Light Of Love

  • 6 Steps


An introduction to what Dira has to offer, focusing on the power of the Golden Ball. This program will take about 45 minutes to complete and consists of a presentation & 27-minute guided exercise. The exercise goes through the technique of channeling using a ball of golden light, one of the simplest techniques of channeling that Dira uses, and can be done by anyone and the protocol that Dira uses to teach children how to channel. The purpose of channeling using the Golden Ball of Light is to shift to and maintain a higher vibration. Benefits of this program: 1. Feel the vibration of Divine Love 2. Shift lower vibrations into higher vibrations 3. Learn a simple method of channeling that can be used by both adults & children 4. Understand the impact of love on how you feel & live 5. Learn practical uses of Ball of Golden Light channeling

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app





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